воскресенье, 30 октября 2011 г.


Good afternoon 43a group!
We finish working at our topic about success and I would like to hear your impressions, recommendations and wishes about our work in this kind of form. Don't forget to thank your groupmates

6 комментариев:

  1. 1. The great recipe for success
    is to work, and always work.
    Leon Gambetta
    2. The fate of empires depends on the education of youth
    Aristotle, Greek philosopher
    3. He, who knows no foreign language,
    does not know his own one.
    (Goethe, the great German poet)
    and other phrases of famous people about success [http://www.motivatingquotes.com/success.htm]

  2. Look at all these quotes and choose 1 the best for you and explain why it's the most suitable for you.

  3. I agree with the first quote. But it is not enough only to work you should have talent to it.

  4. "Success doesn't come to you?you go to it."Marva Collins

    I agree with that point of view because to my mind it is necessary to take pains in aim of getting success in any action. They say no pain - no gain, and i think it is true

  5. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  6. "The great recipe for success is to work, and always work"... That's great!!! I absolutely agree with Leon Gambetta. If you want to reach success in any sphere you sould do something. Doing nothing doesn't bring success. Don't be lazy and you'll be successful, I'm sure!
